Discover These Benefits for Drinking from Reusable Drinkware
The reusable drinking bottle market is expected to be worth more than $10 billion by 2024.
However, there is much to drinkware than meets the eye.
This isn’t just a vessel to slurp your coffee out of. Nor is it to merely to keep you hydrated after your work out.
There are actually numerous benefits of reusable drinkware which you probably never even considered before.
Well, lucky for you, you’re about to discover the benefits of buying reusable drinkware and drinking from reusable drinkware which you love below. Let’s get started!
Durable and Resilient
Your paper cup or single-use plastic bottle is probably thrown away after you’ve finished your drink.
It’s not designed to last any longer than that. But, it’s totally different for your reusable bottle or tumbler.
Your reusable drinkware can last for roughly your whole life.
One study estimates that you can expect to enjoy your drinkware for around 80 years.
Of course, you’ve got to take care of it. But, you can definitely enjoy the benefits if you do this.
You Save a Fortune 
You can pay up to around $40 for a high-quality reusable bottle or tumbler. This can appear to be a lot of money at once.
However, you need to see the bigger picture.
Remember, 80 years you can count for your reusable bottle.
If you consider that the average American buys up to 167 plastic water bottles per year, which costs roughly $266.
You could save around $17,290 over your lifetime. That’s not everything either.
Do you regularly get your cup of Joe from Starbucks? You could be saving dime each time with a reusable coffee mug.
Starbucks isn’t the only coffee company which offers discounts for people who bring their own cup. A bunch of other cafes does the same.
Style Statement
Your reusable drinkware can also be a style statement. For many millennials, your reusable drinkware says something about you.
The fashion status symbol of many bottles and tumblers have been driven by celebrity stars.
Remember the photograph of Julia Roberts drinking from a fancy reusable water bottle? Haven’t you seen the snap of Jonah Hill with his 64oz flask?
Since a growing number of people are demanding reusable drinkware, bottle companies are waking up to the opportunity.
Now you can purchase a wide range of beautiful designs and awesome colors for your coffee tumbler or water bottle.
Your bottle or tumbler tells the world that you care about the environment, but you’re not compromising on style either.
Reduce Waste
You may assume that your single-use plastic bottle is recycled?
You’d be surprised. A whopping 94 percent of plastic isn’t recycled. Much of which ends up polluting the oceans.
Despite greater awareness, people are still buying plastic bottles and paper cups too much.
The scale is unbelievable. One study established that roughly one million plastic bottles are per minute globally.
This is surely unsustainable. Especially if plastic bottles are not even recycled to be used again.
Furthermore, when we use paper cups, we’re further contributing to the damage to the forests. Paper comes from cutting down trees, remember?
Forests are an important part of the fight against climate change as well. Trees take in CO2, the biggest cause of global warming.
Therefore, when you purchase a reusable bottle you reduce your personal contribution to plastic waste and global warming.
It is everyone’s responsibility to fight the problem of plastic waste. This is a great place to start.
Personalized Reusable Drinkware
You know when you walk down the street and you notice someone with the same top as you?
That’s quite embarrassing, isn’t it?
Sure, you can shop in thrift stores or at flea markets to get individual pieces. But, it’s not always easy.
You want to have your items personalized to you. You want to recognize your tumbler or bottle from a mile away.
What about if your tumbler had a photo of your pet dog on it? Or, if you had a nostalgic picture of you and your BBF?
This website allows you to customize your bottle or tumbler with a picture of whatever you want.
Temperature Retention
Roughly one-third of workers say that they’re “too busy” to drink coffee during the working day.
Really, how can you be expected to do your best at work without getting your regularly shot of caffeine?
Think of all the unfortunate workers who managed to find the time to grab a coffee, only to realize that it’s gone cold before they had a chance to down it.
You can say goodbye to your cold coffee (unless you prefer iced-lattes) in a paper cup. Your tumbler can retain the temperature of your coffee for up to 24 hours.
Do you also want to be able to get your hands on ice-cold water throughout the hot summer’s day?
Your insulated tumbler will also do the same for your cold water. The temperature retention can be even more effective if you buy a bottle with copper insulation.
Easy to Clean When Drinking from Reusable Drinkware
If you’re regularly drinking from the same cup or tumbler, you need to make sure you frequently clean it.
You don’t want to have to waste lots of time soaking your mug every time you want a cup of coffee. Fortunately, many reusable bottles or tumblers are easy to clean.
Remember, if you get a stainless steel grade mug, you can be confident of “food grade” quality. That means that it’s resistant to corrosion.
You’ll just need to give it a scrub with soap and warm water after using it once or twice. You can also use natural cleaning products to keep your bottle chemical-free.
If you want to a mug which is dishwasher proof, it’s not hard to find either. You may need to give them an extra clean after they’ve been in the dishwasher.
Improved Drinking Experience 
Many plastic bottles or paper cups don’t offer you a very pleasant drinking experience.
You may be fussy about which mug you use when you’re at home. But, why are you so nonchalant about it when you’re on the go?
Do you always insist on single-origin coffee beans? Do you only want to drink apple juice made with organic apples?
Well, give these beautiful beverages the respect they deserve. Drink them out of proper drinkware.
How dare you even consider using a paper cup?
The taste of cheap plastic or paper can ruin even the most delicious smoothie or cleanest water.
Of course, if you purchase a reusable tumbler made from glass, then you’ve got the optimal experience. However, other options can also give you a great drinking experience.
Improved Health
Have you heard of BPA?
This is a harmful chemical which can be found in plastic bottles and other containers made from plastic.
You may get your hands on BPA-free plastic. However, whether this is always the case is up to speculation.
The US government has already banned BPA plastic for baby bottles. They have yet to take action more generally.
However, there is a danger even bigger than BPA, which could cause damage to our health. It is being dehydrated!
Dehydration can creep up on you and cause multiple health conditions. It can cause you to develop low blood pressure and irregular heart rate.
Up to 80 percent of Americans don’t drink enough water. It’s not always easy to remember to grab a drink of water.
However, if you’ve always got your trusty bottle by your side, you can keep sipping it throughout your working day Drinking from Reusable Drinkware.
Everyone’s Doing it
Nearly 60 percent of consumers say that they have a reusable bottle which they use always or often.
Soon enough, you’ll be the only person in the crowd drinking out of a wasteful paper cup or plastic bottle.
You don’t want to be the only one in your friendship group is polluting the oceans and throwing plastic into the landfill.
That’s why so many people are giving away reusable water bottles for promotional purposes as well. It makes for effective advertising for your brand.
Nobody wants to be left behind. Besides, you still have the chance to show other people the way forward toward sustainable lifestyles.
Ready to Cut Down Your Plastic Use and start Drinking from Reusable Drinkware?
Now you know why so many people are ditching the plastic bottles and paper cups for reusable drinkware.
You can do your bit for the environment while also enjoying drinking out of your flashy new bottle or tumbler.
However, buying drinkware which you can use over and over again isn’t the only way to cut your plastic consumption.
Do you want to discover more ways of reducing your plastic use? Check out our blog post for 7 small steps you can make.