Who Supports the Unusual Schools in the World?
Have you ever dreamed of studying in an unusual school or one of the underfunded schools? I think most of the readers at that moment are actively nodding their heads. And it’s not a secret. Today, we can see hundreds of movies that are always spinning on TV, where they go to superheroes schools.
If we would talk about Hogwarts, you probably know that every child dreamed at 11 years old to receive a letter by the owl mail. Have you ever dreamed of studying in a special school? I think most of the readers at that moment are actively nodding their heads. And it’s not a secret. Today, we can see hundreds of movies that are always spinning on TV, where they go to superheroes schools.
If we would talk about Hogwarts, you probably know that every child dreamed at 11 years old to receive a letter by the owl mail. All this is cool, but in the end, we stand up in the morning and taking our kids to entirely ordinary schools where they sit down at the regular desks, not knowing that somewhere far away, there are unique and remarkable schools.
These the most unusual schools in the world have become not just public schools, but great tourist attractions. The government and other non-profit organizations have been supported. One of them provides a highly efficient and profitable laundry detergent fundraising program for Schools, and this is good.
Most Unusual Schools in the World: Terraset Elementary School in Reston, Virginia (USA)

Students of the American school Terraset are almost the children of the dungeon. The school was built in the mid-1970s when the United States was shocked by the energy crisis. A regime of energy saving has started in the country, which also was used for heating schools. Today, the Terra set school is the most energy-efficient in the country and one of Reston’s main tourist attractions.
German Waldorf School (Europe)

In appearance, it’s just an old building that was built in 1919. But a program that children are learning there is amazing at that level. There is no need to learn classes, lessons, or tests. The peculiarity is that all the children have to “experience” the story anew. First, they hear myths and legends; then, they go on to the biblical legends. So, class after class, they gradually dip into the lives of people of different eras.
ALPHA Alternative School, (Canada)

The school ALPHA, which opened its doors in 1972, reigns an eternal holiday of disobedience. There are no ratings, no strict timetable, no homework. Nobody will punish you for the chalk written on the blackboard and will not stand above the soul.
Students themselves decide how to spend the school day and choose the classes to visit. Classes are formed not by age but by interests: along with mathematics and spelling classes, there are classes for modeling, cooking, and even simple philosophy. The task of every teacher in this school is not to interfere with the process.
By the way, there is a valuable opportunity for schools & non-profit organizations to raise funds with a product that fits a need for every home to laundry detergent fundraising program for Schools.
Watershed School, (USA)

The students of this school earn the same subjects as any other kids: biology, geography, chemistry, zoology, etc. The only difference is that they are not teaching all this with textbooks in their hands but are watching directly in front of them.
The lesson on architecture is a walk around the city, during which you can admire the old buildings and listen to the interesting stories. Natural science is a fascinating descent along the river with kayaks, hiking in the forest, and beach rest.
At the lessons, children model robots, come up with various games, and create rock bands. And instead of physical education, they have yoga and frisbee classes, which is one of the most unusual schools in the world.
Dalton School, Georgia, (USA)

This school is famous for its approach to students. There is no general program for everyone. Upon admission, there is an agreement to sign on what grade the child should know and at what rate to file it.
Such a program may seem strange, but if we take the statistical data, we will see that these schools prepare the best narrow-profile workers. You will also be amazed by the incredible basketball courts in the world.