Helpful Tips for Preventing Falls in the Elderly
Are you worried about the risk of falling? Elderly people face many challenges with their physical and mental abilities. These challenges can impair their ability to do daily tasks and leave them prone to accidents and falls.
These often result in broken bones and even death. The risk of death from a fall is higher for elderly people.
You can reduce the risk of falls with some simple tips. Keep reading to learn more about protecting and preventing falls in the elderly.
Do Regular Exercise
Balance and muscle strength are essential for maintaining proper body alignment and elderly fall prevention. Regular walking, jogging, and running are also good for your balance.
Also, tai chi and yoga are two types of exercises that can help improve balance and prevent falls. Tai chi is slow, flowing martial art that involves moving the body in a series of graceful movements. Yoga is a mind-body exercise that uses various postures and breathing techniques to improve strength, flexibility, and balance.
Proper Nutrition
It is important for the elderly to maintain a balanced diet to keep their bones and muscles strong. This means eating a healthy diet with plenty of calcium and vitamin D. Good sources of nutrients include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
Regular Check-ups With a Doctor![r Preventing Falls in the Elderly](
This way, any underlying health conditions that may increase the risk of falling can discover and treated. They can also check your medications to see if any of them may cause dizziness or make you more unsteady on your feet. Your doctor can also give you advice on how to make your home safer and reduce your risk of falls in the elderly.
Use Wearable Gadgets for Tracking Elder’s Activities
Wearable gadgets can help prevent falls in the elderly by monitoring their activity and alerting caregivers if they are inactive for long periods of time. Caregivers can also set up activity goals for their elderly patients and receive alerts if they are not met. This technology for seniors can also track vitals and alert caregivers if there are any changes.
Improve Lighting
As we age, our eyesight isn’t what it used to be. Poor lighting can make it difficult to see where we are walking, resulting in trips and falls.
Improving the lighting can ensure that there are no dark areas where trip hazards cannot see. Floor lamps and night lights can also be helpful in providing light in areas where people are likely to be moving around.
Use Non-Slip Footwear
This will help to provide traction and prevent slipping on slick surfaces. It is important to choose footwear that is comfortable and fits well, as ill-fitting shoes can be a tripping hazard.
Avoid low heels and shoes with loose laces or straps that can get caught on objects. In the winter months, it is especially important to wear boots or shoes with good tread to prevent slipping on ice.
Proper Home Safety Measures for Preventing Falls in the Elderly
There are many things to help on preventing falls in the elderly. A few helpful tips include making sure your home is well-lit, doing strength and balance exercises, and wearing proper shoes.
If you or a loved one are at risk for falls, be sure to talk to your doctor or qualified healthcare professional to get more advice. By following these tips, older adults can reduce their risk of falling and maintain their independence.
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