World’s Largest Monastery Library in Austria
About a year ago Benjamin Von Wong that is known for his incredible underwater photography and the numerous creative environmental campaigns surprised the entire world with a new photo shooting in real-life Disney Library.
This time, the talented young photographer showed his latest series of the stunning photographs inside the World’s Largest Monastery Library that is located in the city Admont, Styria, Austria.
Benjamin has planned this incredibly beautiful photoshoot in Austria, with the great help of his brother Maximilian.
The photos turned out to be extraordinary, surreal, fabulous and fascinating.

Photographer says that the experience was truly unbelievable. He was lucky to see and feel the most magical mix of architecture and art that any artist can dream about.
No wonder that on his photographs the models turned out into the most beautiful and magical existing princesses on the Earth.
Benjamin confesses that “The Beauty and the Beast” had been one of his favorite films from Disney. He had watched this cartoon many times as a child, and he could not even imagine that one day he will create such a great fairytale himself.
And he did! He brought to the reality a new and real Disney princess “The Beauty without the Beast” that is surrounded by priceless frescos adorning the ceilings, marble floors and the soft musty smell of old books.
Behind the Scenes Photos