Here is How to Fall Asleep Fast
Having a good sleep is incredibly essential for both your body and brain functions.
While some people are not aware of any sleeping difficulties, others find it extremely difficult to fall and even stay asleep in bed.
Mounting scientific evidence reveals that poor sleep can affect your brain and body, such as impaired learning ability, memory issues, mood instability, and biological malfunctions among others.
People with sleeping difficulties resort to natural products like Organic, vegan, gluten-free & allergen-free CBD gummies to coax themselves into dreamland as soon as they land on the bed.
Here are 10 brilliant tips, from relaxation techniques, distraction exercises, and more ways to trigger faster sleep. Read on.
Take A Warm Shower Before Bed
The trick here is simple: Changing body temperatures rapidly.
Just minutes before bedtime, take a warm bath and wrap yourself into your bed. This causes your body temperature to drop drastically.
Research shows that this rapid temperature drop slows your body metabolism faster and urges your body to sleep, that the first answer to your question how to fall asleep fast.
Because it’s proven to work, make this your consistent bedtime routine –at least your body will have an expectation on what’s coming next–sleep.
Use The 4-7-8 Breathing Method
This faster sleeping technique was championed by Dr. Andrew Weil—and it promotes calmness and relaxation as well as unwinding before bedtime. Purportedly, it helps you sleep in less than a minute.
The method works by increasing blood oxygen content, slowing your heart rate, and releasing more carbon dioxide from the lungs.
This is how it is done:
- Place your tongues tip behind your upper front teeth.
- By your mouth, breathe out making a whoosh sound.
- By your nose, inhale quietly counting mentally up to 4.
- Hold your breath for a count of seven.
- Through your mouth, breathe out completely to a count of eight.
- Repeat the cycle between three to four times.
Get on a Schedule
Setting a sleep schedule can help you to sleep faster.
Maintaining a consistent wake-up and going to bed schedule daily makes your internal clock–circadian rhythm– maintain a regular sleeping schedule.
When your body adopts a regular schedule, it will be easier to sleep and wake up daily around the same time.
Use Yoga, Meditation And Mindfulness
These tools–Yoga, meditation and mindfulness—can calm your mind and relax your body for faster sleep.
The first tool, yoga, involves breathing patterns and body movements that release accumulated body tension.
Meditation, on the other hand, enhances melatonin levels which enhance faster sleep.
Lastly, mindfulness helps you focus on the present and worry less while falling asleep.
Practicing any of these techniques or all of them can help you get faster sleep and also wake up refreshed.
Hide Your Clock
Clock watching is a common habit with insomniacs.
They toss and turn in bed while watching the minutes tick toward morning.
If this sounds familiar, kindly hide the clock.
If you watch it, you can’t escape the stress and worry about not falling asleep.
Worse still, regular waking up without sleep creates a routine which your body adapts. Resultantly, you find that you’re waking up every middle of the night to watch the clock.
Do yourself a favor by removing the cock from your room.
Cool Your Room
Biological research shows us how key internal body temperature is, in regulating your biological body clock. When you’re falling asleep, the internal body temperature drops slightly, which helps with faster sleep.
Sleep in a cool dark room. Darkness triggers melatonin release, which in turn triggers your interior clock to sleep.
Stay Away From Daytime Naps
Lack of night sleep makes people take daytime napping.
Although short naps are said to improve well being, there are lots of mixed opinions about its effect on night sleep.
But different studies agree that people who napped frequently had lower quality night-time sleep, so try to eliminate daytime naps completely or limit yourself to short duration daytime naps.
Listen to Relaxing Music
Music has been applauded by many insomniacs as being able to improve the quality of sleep.
A research which studied 25 participants revealed that they had a restful and deeper sleep after they were exposed to soothing music for 45 minutes at bedtime, compared to those not listening to music. It’s one of the most known sleep strategies.
Regular Daytime Exercise
Exercise reduces the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.
This doesn’t mean to overdo exercise, but to maintain a healthy moderate intensity work out without going overboard.
Also, the timing for the work outcomes so important. For optimum quality sleep, work out early in the morning, as opposed to working out later in the day.
Adopt a moderate work-out program in the morning to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep.
Fill Your Room With Lavender Scent
Lavender is stunningly pleasing and relaxing to nerves, leave alone its lovely aroma. It has been proved to lower blood pressure while causing a relaxation effect on your brain.
According to Wesleyan University researchers, those who were exposed to lavender oil minutes before bedtime increased quantity of deep sleep. They also woke up more vigorous the next day.
If you make lavender your bedtime routine, it will help clear your mind and boost faster sleep and now you know how to fall asleep fast.