5 Benefits of Having A Clean Slate
Who wouldn’t want a clean slate? To clear all your past mistakes, wipe any debt, and start again with a blank canvas? Of course, it wouldn’t work because your experience and mistakes have brought you to where you are today and made you who you are.
You wouldn’t think like you do if you hadn’t lived the life you have had, and you wouldn’t have the knowledge you now have. However, when it comes to having a criminal record, there are many benefits to criminal record expungement to make it disappear. Not only will it make you feel good, but it will also give you so many more opportunities in life.
It will mean more job opportunities
It can be difficult to find a job when you have a criminal record, it is something you must declare on the application, and sometimes this means that you won’t even get a look-in. Some places will hire you if you have a criminal record; however, they probably aren’t for the kinds of jobs or salary you’re looking for to move on with your life. Rather than trying to find jobs without criminal background checks, why not look into getting yours cleared?
…And more opportunities in education
Similarly, when it comes to higher education, which you might want to do to better your life, it can be difficult to do this with a criminal record. The issue with the jobs and the education is the same, the competition there is to get into good jobs and schools is huge so if you want to be in with a chance then cleaning your record is advisable.
There will be more options for where you can live
A criminal record can even affect where you can live as most landlords obtain background checks on potential tenants, and they will look into criminal records. If you’re hoping to buy a home, when you’re looking for a loan, they will look into your background, so it really is better to have a clean slate to give you the best possible chance of moving forward.
You’ll get cheaper insurance rates
Many insurance rates can even be affected if you have a criminal history, too, so while it might seem expensive to get an expungement lawyer, it could save you money in the long run as you need insurance for so many things.
You’ll be able to do good 
If you feel bad about your past and want to make amends, or you have completely turned your life around and now want to give back to the community or get involved with your kid’s football team or school, then pretty much all volunteer positions require you to have a clean criminal history, especially any working with youths or vulnerable people.
If you want to make a difference and do something worthwhile with your time, don’t let your past hold you back.