Life Admin: 5 Jobs to Tackle Now For an Organised Start to 2022
Just a few more days left until Christmas! Many of us are now setting our out-of-office auto-replies, and getting the last bits and pieces tied up at work and home before a relaxing week or two away from our normal routines. But before you mentally sign out for the year, it’s worth getting a few jobs done. That way when you come back you’re able to get off on the right foot and now come back to chaos. Here are five ideas.
Clear and organize your desk
After a week or two of eating, drinking, sleeping, and generally being merry, the last thing you probably want to come back to on a cold dark morning in January is a messy desk. Whether you work in or out of the home, spend some time organising this space. Get rid of snack papers from drawers and coffee mugs. File away any papers, put things like pens and stationery back where they belong. Give everything a clean down and make sure it’s nice, neat, and organized for your return.
Make sure your computer is running effectively 
Another thing to check is how well your computer is running. Spend a little time tidying up stray files on the desktop and install any updates, particularly security updates. If things don’t seem to be working well, consider booking in with a local computer repair company for the new year. For most of us, our computer or laptop is absolutely essential for our job, so it needs to be well maintained.
Check your bills
December is an expensive month for most of us, we prioritize Christmas presents, food, and travel to friends and family with our December wages and it can mean that our regular outgoings can be forgotten about (or purposely ignored!) If you don’t pay your bills by direct debit, this is your reminder to get everything paid up so you’re not struggling and behind come January!
Answer emails
Chances are your inbox will pile up while you’re off, so give yourself the best chance at getting through when you return by tackling anything that needs answering now before you leave. Try and depart for your Christmas break with an empty inbox if you can! Depending on what you do, you might need to ensure your auto-reply provides customers, clients, or colleagues with an alternative address where they can reach the company if needed while you’re off. Be sure to state when you’ll be returning.
Check your to-do list
Finally, give your to-do list a check over. Double-check that any small, niggly jobs haven’t been forgotten, and all of the loose ends are tied up before you get into Christmas party mode. It just means when you return, you’re not having to chase up old annoying jobs or have to spend time playing catch up.
What life admin jobs will you be tackling before logging out to enjoy Christmas?