CBD FAQ: Most Common Questions About Using CBD
If you’re new to the world of CBD and all things cannabis-related, you may have many questions. You’re not alone. As CBD becomes more popular across the country, even scientists and doctors have questions. For too many people both old and young, cannabis is somewhat elusive and mysterious.
While most people have heard of CBD, very few really understand it. If you’re interested in learning more about CBD, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve compiled a collection of frequently asked questions about CBD. Of course, we offer answers. It’s time to debunk the most common myths! This CBD FAQ guide should give you some of the answers you crave.
Can You Get High from CBD? 
The short answer is no. This is the most common question anyone can get about any product. Many people wish to reap the benefits of cannabis without a psychoactive high. This is why many patients, doctors, and researchers alike have become interested in the unique properties of CBD.
THC and CBD alike are cannabis-derived compounds known as cannabinoids. THC is the compound associated with the high one gets from smoking marijuana. On the other hand, CBD products can be entirely non-psychoactive and purely used to treat pain or anxiety. Some CBD products however may contain trace amounts of THC. There are many different variants of each product which can be found via websites like Organic CBD Nugs and many more. Although you can get THC-infused CBD, this should never be enough to get you high unless that’s what you seek.
Is There a Difference Between Hemp and Marijuana?
Hemp and marijuana are both varieties of the Cannabis Sativa plant. There are some important distinctions between the two varieties, though. Hemp is considered an industrial plant. People have used hemp for thousands of years to make paper, rope, clothing, and so much more. Marijuana, on the other hand, is the stigmatized plant known to produce a psychoactive high. This is because it contains much higher levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the principal cannabinoid responsible for the plant’s psychoactive properties.
While hemp does contain trace amounts of THC, usually it contains no more than 0.3% THC. In the US today, industrial hemp must contain less than 0.3% THC to be classified as hemp. Early hemp cultivators may have known about the cannabis plant’s potential mind-altering effects. They may have cultivated strains of hemp to have more THC than others. Some historians believe these people used the plant for herbal medicine and religious rituals.
Are CBD Products Legal? 
The cannabis plant lies in a legal gray area. The Controlled Substances Act passed in 1970 making cannabis illegal. Federal law made no distinction between different types of cannabis plants. This meant hemp and marijuana alike were made illegal.
In 2018, Congress passed the Farm Bill outlining industrial hemp legalization. The bill allows for hemp legalization across the nation with some serious limitations. The bill allows for the transfer of any hemp-derived products across state lines. There are no restrictions on sales, transport, or possession. People and businesses cannot, however, freely cultivate hemp. The hemp cannot contain more than 0.3% THC. Otherwise, it’s considered marijuana. In short, derived from hemp is legal across all 50 states so long as it contains less than 0.3% THC.
Will I Pass a Drug Test if I Use CBD?
Most drug tests look for THC in blood or urine samples. They do not screen for CBD. However, some products do contain trace amounts of THC. Full-spectrum of products do contain higher amounts of THC. Some believe it may work better in conjunction with other cannabinoids. This is the entourage effect. Depending on your dosage, your drug test may come back positive for THC.
If you may be subject to regular drug screenings due to work or other circumstances, you may choose to stay away from THC. You can find many high-quality CBD products containing little to no THC.
Is All CBD the Same? 
If you’re in the market for a quality CBD product, you know how many options you have. You do need to exercise caution when shopping for the products. But CBD oils, tinctures, capsules, and edible forms are the most popular among experienced CBD users.
The market for it and hemp-derived products is highly unregulated. This means industry standards are largely self-imposed. Some manufacturers and retailers may try to sell low-quality CBD products at a high price. While they can legally do this, it’s not in the consumer’s best interest.
Do your research to find out more about the manufacturers and retailers. If you live in a state where medical or recreational marijuana is legal, your best bet is to go to a dispensary. The budtenders in a dispensary can help you find the best products for your own needs. Alternatively, you can shop through an online dispensary such as Canna Lyft. You can contact the manufacturers directly to find out more about extraction processes and product testing. A trustworthy manufacturer will gladly share this information.
Can You Overdose? 
Drug overdoses are a real problem in the United States. Any fear of addiction and abuse is justifiable. CBD may have a positive effect on drug addictions and abuse. The non-psychoactive properties of CBD may help ease alcohol and opioid withdrawals.
Unlike many prescription and over-the-counter drugs, it’s very difficult to overdose on CBD. No one is certain how much it would take to kill a human. It might be akin to eating 15 pounds of marijuana within a 15 minute time period. You would die of overeating first. However, it may be possible to take too much of it. Most people tolerate it well and experience very few adverse side effects.
Most often, too much of it can lead to diarrhea and lethargy. Sometimes, too much can lead to vomiting, psychosis, dizziness, and anxiety. You should take care to learn more about the right dosage and responsible CBD use.
The Most Important FAQ 
Cannabis can be a confusing topic for many individuals. There’s a lot of stigma surrounding the issue, leading to a lot of unanswered questions. The above guide should give you a place to start with your burning CBD questions. We hope you enjoyed this CBD FAQ. Are you looking for more cool and interesting facts? Check out our section on cool stuff and things!