Advice for New Mothers – 5 Things You Should Know
Swaddling is a common practice that can help soothe newborn babies and promote better sleep. However, many parents wonder how long they should swaddle their babies. The general recommendation is to swaddle your baby for the first 2-3 months of their life. Swaddling can help your baby feel secure and comforted during this time, as it mimics the feeling of being in the womb.
However, it’s important to stop swaddling your baby once they start showing signs of rolling over. This is because swaddling can increase the risk of suffocation if a baby rolls onto their stomach and is unable to lift their head. Check here at Caden Lane to know more.
New mothers and fathers have no shortage of advice, but sometimes you want to reread the basics in a bite-sized form before your little one arrives. Or perhaps you have a question about swaddling, latching, or bonding you need answering? If you do, this article is an excellent place to start.
Some Noise is Fine
It’s common practice to hush up when the baby is in the crib or cradle, you want them to fall asleep or stop them from waking up, but actually, a baby is more used to noise than you might imagine. While in the womb, they build up a strong resistance to all kinds of noise.
Of course, that doesn’t mean you should play the drums or anything, but if you want to watch television, wash dishes, or talk on the phone, that should all be fine and shouldn’t disturb your baby.
Know how to Sooth 
There’s nothing worse than hearing your baby cry and not knowing how to stop it and make them feel alright. This can also be quite difficult for new mums who don’t know about some baby-calming techniques that work.
You can try five calming moves: swaddling, shushing, holding her on her side, swinging her in a mamaRoo swing, and letting her suck. Try these moves and measure their success, but remember, it sometimes takes them all before she settles.
When to Stop Swaddling
When your baby is firstborn, you will get into the habit of swaddling them – wrapping them tightly before putting them down in the crib. This technique is ancient, and it works for several reasons. First, the tight swaddle helps the child to feel safe and secure.
But while swaddling is beneficial for younger children, there comes a time when it’s counter-productive or even harmful. New mothers need to know when to stop swaddling so they can change the routine at the right time and prevent discomfort.
Reduce Latching Issues
Latching issues are common in newborns – this is when the baby doesn’t connect properly with the nipple and can’t draw any milk. It’s a troubling issue because the baby can’t get enough nutrients from the mother at a critical stage of development.
These issues can be reduced or eliminated by using breast shields. A breast shield holds the nipple in an extended position, so the baby has something to grasp. After a few weeks of using a breast shield, you should have no more issues.
Prepare in Advance
Preparation is the route to success in most things, and when it comes to your baby, the advice is the same. When you prep your work, you make life easier for yourself and more predictable; it also means you create more space in your life for a little bit of downtime.
So how exactly do you prep for your baby? Feeding needs to be prepped twice a day a least, so prepare the next feed right after the first. This buys you a little time. You can also take advantage of the baby’s naps for resting and workouts.
Work at Bonding
Bong with your baby is more natural for mothers than fathers, partly because the baby spaned so much time in the mother’s company early on. However, it’s equally important that the baby bonds with the father early on.
The father has a different tone of voice and presence from the mother, so that it might be strange at first for your child. So first, make sure they are well fed and rested, then leave them with the father. But it’s still a good idea to stay close so they can see and hear you.
Make the Crib Comfy
Your newborn needs to get enough quality sleep so they grow healthy and strong in their early days and weeks. One way to ensure they sleep well is to make the crib or cradle as comfy as possible. Achieve this with the right mattress and swaddling.
Sometimes newborns love to sleep on their mothers’ stomachs, and you might have trouble putting them down in their cribs. If this happens, wrap a heating pad in a blanket and use it as a replacement. A soft, breathable mattress is also recommended.
Let Your Baby Lead
First-time mothers get advice from every direction, especially if their friends and family members have had children before them. Some of this advice might be useful, but you shouldn’t let that advice direct you completely.
Every child is different, so let your baby lead and respond to them appropriately. For example, the best advice might say that you need to stick to a strict feeding schedule, but if your baby is crying with hunger, you can respond to his feeding pattern.