Take Care of Yourself and Become More Self-Sufficient
Would you like to be able to produce more of your own food and reduce your reliance on your local food stores? Is a more natural life one of your goals?
There’s no reason to buy everything you need, whether you live in an apartment or on 2,000 acres of land.
It’s possible for everyone to be more self-sufficient and contribute to making the world a better place. All it takes to buck the trend is a few lifestyle changes.
The smallest thing can make a big difference, to you and your family, the environment, animals, plants, and a little bit of thought. Here are some ideas you can try.
Grow Your Own Food
Everyone should try to grow something. Watching a tiny seed grow and provide an abundance of food is an amazing experience.
When you’ve grown something yourself, you’ll find it tastes much better too. Easy and quick foods to grow for a beginner include lettuce, beans, cucumber, squash, and zucchini.
Save your seeds, and you’ll be able to plant more again next year and hopefully add a few more crops.
Once you’ve had some success with vegetables, expand your garden and plant fruits, nuts, and grains.
If you’ve got an excess of the food you’ve been growing learn how to preserve it, and you’ll be able to enjoy your own produce all year round.
Raise Chickens
This is something that will take time and a certain amount of commitment. Once you get into the swing of it, you’ll find it’s not too hard.
Chickens can be great providers, as they can provide eggs, and depending on your reasons for keeping them, can be used for meat as well.
They are also very useful when it comes to getting rid of kitchen scraps if you don’t want a compost pile in the backyard.
Treats For Chickens will be able to provide everything you need to keep your chickens happy.
Keeping chickens also provide a great opportunity for a fun project that keeps you active, too, as you will have to maintain their coop and look after them. It might be your first step toward self-sufficient farming.
Collect Your Rainwater
Rainwater falls for free, and while you might not always welcome it, there are benefits to collecting it. If you want to make the best use of it, you’ll need to install a rainwater harvesting system.
Once that’s done you’ll find you use less mains water and therefore reduce your water bills.
Alternative Energy
Using alternative energy to power your home is a big step toward becoming self-sufficient. There are several options, and in many places tax credits, rebates, and other incentives are available to lighten the financial cost of setting them up.
You definitely can find great tech gadgets to improve life. But choose only the ones you truly need.
Solutions that can be used to power your home include solar, wind, micro hydroelectricity, geothermal, fuel cells, and biomass.
The aim behind becoming more self-sufficient is to learn to live smaller and need less. If you can find a way to be content with very little, the road to self-sufficiency will be much easier.
Concentrate on the more important things in life such as relationships, memories, connections, and experiences rather than power, money, and possessions. Life is all about living, not owning material things.